GRAINS—the solid backbone of all beers.
WRATH—coming at your tastebuds with a mission.
Spawned from good ol’ fashioned working-human punk rock, our great moody PNW home and anyone desirous of a brew that flies true and unrelenting in the face of boring, our culture is simple: making damn good beer with the best people we can find, for our community to not just enjoy, but thrive.
Trends may come and go, though by focusing on beers built decidedly from the grain up to inspire our community just as much as they inspire us, we’ve been able to do some great things together, and keep at it for the long haul.
81 awards and counting.
Best of Craft Beer Awards
- Dystopia IPA
- Into the Void
- Panopticon IPA
- Totally Terminated
North American Beer Awards
- Cantina Especial
- Panopticon IPA
- Weizenheimer
- Papermaker
- Rancho Cowabunga
- Sickle & Scythe
- Dystopia IPA
- Built for Speed IPA
World Beer Cup Awards
- Falling Up
- Vienna Lager
- Wastelandia
Craft Beer & Brewing
- Panopticon IPA – 100 points
- Wastelandia – 90 points
World Beer Cup Awards
- Falling Up Black IPA
- Papermaker Pale Ale
Best of Craft Beer Awards
- Wrathlands
- At Dawn They Sleep
- Frost Hammer Helles
- Papermaker Pale Ale
- Falling Up Black IPA
- Ripsaw IPA
- Fresh Hop Built for Speed
- Weizenheimer Weizenbock
- Fresh Hop Panopticon
- Built for Speed IPA
- $10 Exorcism IIPA
- Gerstenwolf Festbier
- Mid-Sized Brewery of The Year
North American Beer Awards
- Vienna Lager
- Into the Void
- Papermaker Pale Ale
- Wrath Premium
- Coco Mysterio
- Frost Hammer Helles
Oregon Beer Awards
- Built for Speed
- Papermaker Pale
- Falling Up Black IPA
- Medium Sized Oregon Brewery of the Year
Great American Beer Festival
- Weizenheimer Weizebock
Best of Craft Beer Awards
- Papermaker Pale
Washington Beer Awards
- Fresh Hop Dystopia
- Fresh Hop Built for Speed
- Ripsaw
- Gerstenwolf Festbier
Oregon Beer Awards
- Frost Hammer Helles
- Vienna Lager
- Perpetual Dawn Double Red IPA
- Falling Up Black IPA
- Medium Sized Oregon Brewery of the Year
Great American Beer Festival
- Wrath Premium
North American Beer Awards
- Frost Hammer Helles
- Vienna Lager
- Ticklish Warrior
- Chainsaws & Boomsticks
- Nighttime Stories
Great American Beer Festival
- Frost Hammer Helles
- Ticklish Warrior
Great American Beer Festival
- Build for Speed IPA
Best of Craft Beer Awards
- Frost Hammer Helles
- Papermaker Pale
Washington Beer Awards
- Austronaut Vienna-Style Lager
- Dystopia IPA
- Sickle & Scythe Hefeweizen
- Papermaker Pale Ale
- Luger Pilsner
North American Beer Awards
- Sickle & Scythe Hefeweizen
- Ticklish Warrior Session IPA
Great American Beer Festival
- Vienna Lager
Washington Beer Awards
- Luger Pilsner
- Overkill IPA
- Brewhouse Bully Belgian Dark Strong
- Austronaut Vienna-Style Lager
- Onslaught Imperial Hazy IPA
- Papermaker Pale Ale
- Very Small Brewery of the Year
Great American Beer Festival
- Austronaut Vienna-Style Lager
23 awards and
counting. A small-town brewery
with a big-community
heart. Grains. Water. Hops.
Yeast. Patience.
counting. A small-town brewery
with a big-community
heart. Grains. Water. Hops.
Yeast. Patience.